Last updated on December 23rd, 2019 at 06:39 am

We here at are outdoor sports enthusiasts, to put it in one word. We analyze reviews of thousands of products, users and find out what are the best products to buy. After reviewing, we publish product review posts on our website here. We only promote those products or services that we have investigated, used by ourselves (mostly negative for maximum cases) and that we trust. Even though our opinion is based on the most conventional modes of research, we suggest that you may dig a little deeper before making your buying decisions.

Affiliate disclaimer: is a participant in different affiliate programs offered by different platforms. This is a way to cover all the expenses that occur to run this website.

All prices displayed on those websites are subject to change without prior notice. We are not responsible for any products ordered from our affiliate merchants, or their responding actions in any way, shape or form.

As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

FTC disclosure:

The intent and purpose of is to provide consumers with additional information and resources to help them make informed buying decisions. We are not offered any free products, services or advertisement by respective companies in exchange for mentioning them on our site.

We are an affiliate website, and we receive small compensation for referred sales on products that we review and promote. So, when you click on affiliate links and purchase items, we do receive an affiliate commission, but these in no way, shape or form or affect the price that you pay for the products.

We do not accept any payment or favors for writing reviews about the goods advertised on our website. In the end, we would also like to state that we do not provide any customer service related to goods advertised on our website. To have all questions about your product answered to the best of abilities, you should always contact the provider directly. If you have any questions regarding affiliations, however, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will provide additional details and clarify your doubts to the best of our abilities.


All the users or visitors of therefore cannot hold liable or it’s publishers or it’s contributors or it’s employees for any sort of losses or costs that may or may not occur for using the third-party websites or infringement of the terms and services regarding the use of any personal data by any third-party websites. does accept guest posts or guest authors. Opinions of these guest authors may vary according to research, experience and skill level. Though we take rigorous editing before publishing any posts but it may occur that any mentioned advices vary from users to users. Therefore, we strongly recommend our visitors to take any decision by his/her own judgement and there are no ways he or she can hold us responsible for the decisions they take either based on our website or not.